Labor Safety and Fire Protection

Labor protection is a concern for the health and safety of employees when working in a company. The objective of labour protection is to prevent sickness and accidents in the work environment, or as a result of work. An efficiently designed and integrated labour protection system improves employee concentration, physical condition, attention and thus makes employee activities more efficient.

The following works shall be performed during the process of examination and servicing of the labour protection system:

  • First-time training of employees
  • Development of operating instructions
  • Development of necessary documents
  • Employee instruction in the workplace
  • Drawing up a list of personal protective equipment
  • Detection OF security signs
  • Coordination of labour protection at sites


  • Assessment of risks to the working environment

    The assessment of the risks of the working environment shall be determined by the Cabinet of 660 Regulations.
    The aim of the assessment of risks to the working environment is to identify the risks to which employees are exposed. On the basis of the risks identified, a plan of measures is developed, the aim of which is to eliminate risks to the working environment as far as possible. The assessment of risks to the working environment shall include environmental measurements.
    The following types of measurements shall be organised in the undertaking:

    • indicative measurements;
    • laboratory work environment measurement organisation at the workplace;
    • measurements of noise, lighting and microclimate;

  • Development of a Plan of Labour Protection measures

    On the basis of the risks identified, a plan of measures is developed, the aim of which is to eliminate risks to the working environment as far as possible. The plan of labour protection measures is integrated into the overall development of the undertaking and is commensurate with the scope and capabilities of the undertaking's activities.

  • Accident investigation

    The procedures for investigation of accidents shall be determined by Cabinet Regulation No. 950.

    We are investigating accidents at the company in accordance with the procedures set out. We represent the interests of the company in the State Labour Inspectorate.

  • Organisation of compulsory health examinations

    The procedures for mandatory Health examinations shall be determined by Cabinet Regulation No. 219
    The organisation of compulsory health checks shall include the following:

    • the preparation of mandatory health examinations (OVP) appointments;
    • the organisation of compulsory health examinations (OVP) at the workplace;

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Kleistu street 11 k.1-104, Riga, LV – 1067
Kleistu street 11 k-1 – 104, Rīga, LV-1067, Latvia
A/S DNB banka

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