About us

Grades was established in 1999.
Over the last twenty years the company has consistently developed and improved its service provision.

Proud of what has been accomplished!

Grades is one of the leading companies in the field of quality management and consultations. Ours customers are such recognizable campany`s like LMT, RER, LDz, Latvijas pasts, Lidosta Rīga, Dinotrans, Liepājas tramvajs, Lafivents, Mārupes siltumnīcas, Oberthur, Ventspils composites, hotel Mercure Riga, Aris Būve. We are proud of our customers and are a safe and stable partner in all areas of collaboration.

We invite for cooperation!

Get in touch with us

Kleistu street 11 k.1-104, Riga, LV – 1067
Kleistu street 11 k-1 – 104, Rīga, LV-1067, Latvia
A/S DNB banka

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